Verified Healthcare Professionals

We check licenses entered by professionals and signify those professionals with a green check.

Scheduling and Reservation Online

Simple online scheduling between pros and hiring managers so we don't get in your way.

Open Access to Professionals

(no middle man)

An open marketplace of pros creates happy customers.

About Us

HealthcareUp started with a simple idea. It should be easier for healthcare businesses to find quality traveling healthcare professionals without the time, effort and cost associated with using head hunters. So we decided to create an online resource that brings healthcare professionals and businesses together to ensure a fair and open marketplace.

By using HealthcareUp, businesses have access to verified professionals at their fingertips. Healthcare professionals have open lines of communication with hiring managers to ensure they have all the details and are paid a fair wage - on their terms. It's a win-win. Sign up today and find out how you can join our happy marketplace.